Welcome -

Here you will find some of our adventures as we explore this beautiful United States of America in our travel trailer.

Enjoy! Chuck & Vicki

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Slightly Hampered

No. that's not a reference to a laundry hamper.  I've been down for two days with a lousy cold.  Sleep, lots of water, massive amounts of Vitamin C and a wonderful hubby have made a difference.  I'll be back at work tomorrow and ready to load the tailer for an early a.m. departure on Saturday - YIKES!  I'm not ready yet!  But, like Chuck says "if you forget anything, we'll get it along the way".  I guess I'll go pack some food from the cupboard......

1 comment:

  1. hi vicki have fun on your trip, check out the picture from friday night in denver that jennifer craig posted mom and I will keep with your blog

